Urban Green Newcastle
Urban Green Newcastle is an independent charity, established in 2019. It is responsible for the management, maintenance, restoration, development and
protection of 33 parks and 61 allotment sites in Newcastle upon Tyne. One of the first organisations of its kind in the country, it represents a new approach to securing the future of green spaces.
About the project
Urban Green Newcastle will breathe life into Newcastle’s parks and allotments, connect people to nature, and improve the health and wellbeing of all families
and communities in Newcastle by providing safe and well-maintained parks and allotments.
The project aims to
Help more people from a wide range of backgrounds to enjoy vibrant open spaces, which will always be free to access.
Invest to make sure parks and allotments are safe and welcoming, and that they are clean and well-maintained open spaces.
Deliver exciting events, including arts, cultural and educational activities; as well as opportunities for sport, exercise and play in the city’s parks and allotments.
Encourage local people to be connected to and committed to their parks and allotments.
Provide opportunities for people to come together, get involved and feel proud of their green spaces.
Ensure the wide range of trusted partners continue to value parks and allotments and are committed to helping invest in these spaces.

“We will help more people from a wide range of backgrounds to enjoy our vibrant open spaces.”
Mother and young daughter engaging in educational activities with Urban Green Newcastle.
Man reading in a tree in Jesmond Dene.
Swans on the lake in front of the Palace of the Arts in Exhibition Park.